It’s All About Me (not)

This is not a blog about me. This is a blog about God and seeking God. I am hoping that it provides an open, inclusive, non-judgmental environment where people from any country, any region, or any social class can ask questions relating to God. I am hoping to discuss the big questions, such as Who is God?, Where did God from?, If God made us, who made God?, Does science disprove God?, Why am I here?, or  What is my purpose?. But I will discuss any question or comment no matter how big or how small. To be quite honest, I will not have all of the answers. I will try, however.

Now, I know that I said this blog is not about me. Nevertheless, in order to understand my responses and comments, it is necessary to know a little bit about me. I am a very average person in many ways: my name is Kenny, I am in my late 30s, I am a white male, and I am very middle classed. I grew up in a very rural setting (Kentucky), but I moved to a more urban setting later in life. I hunt. I fish. I like sports. I also have an undergraduate degree in history and graduate degree in criminal justice. I have one son, who is 15 years old. And I have been married (2nd time) for seven years. She is a great girl.

My attitude toward God and religion started fairly early. Growing up in rural Kentucky, many of my extended family members were very religious. Also, nearly every country road or “holler” was dotted with small churches (Baptist, Pentecostal, Church of God, etc).  My immediate family, however, was not particularly religious. Until about 2006, I could count the times I had been to church with both hands. (I am NOT trying to say I had bad parents, though. In fact, I had the BEST parents.)

Before 2006, my view on religion was secular and eclectic. Let’s face it. I was smart and well-educated. I was somewhat athletic. I had good parents. My career was on the right track. My finances were in order. I thought that I had done a good job running my life. Why did I need any “help”? I needed “help” finding PEACE. As noted above, I had been blessed in countless ways. However, peace eluded me. There is  a country song by Tim McGraw where he says, “I have a life that most men would like to have, but sometimes I still wake up fighting mad”. And on top of the anger, as a result of all of my God-given blessings, I had also developed a border-line arrogance.

Luckily for me, my parents raised me well. So, I had many instances of Dr. Jekyll, where I was a nice, accommodating person. Nevertheless, Mr. Hyde reared his ugly head more often than I wished. But even on my best day, I never really had peace.

I have peace NOW, and I am a much happier person. That does not mean that I am cured. I am far from perfect. I can still conjure up Mr. Hyde on occasion, but I am definitely a better person now.

The good news is anyone can do it. The invitation is open. It takes a deeper relationship with God.  It will take some effort too, but the results are amazing. 

Comments are very welcomed and very appreciated.  

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