What are you doing here? Part II

The story of Elijah’s interaction with God needs a Part II blog. There’s just too much going on here. When we finished Part I, Elijah was hiding in a cave. He had forgotten how powerful God was and how faithful God had been to him. Now, I want to focus on how God responds to ...

A Follow-up or More on My Testimony 2

A Follow-up or More on My Testimony
 Wow! I was pleasantly surprised at the response to my testimony. Apparently, anxiety affects more people than I realized. Some readers have asked me to be specific about how God cured me. So, here it goes.  As I mentioned earlier, my anxiety was fueled by caring too much about what other people thought. Notice I ...

A Testimony or The Best Evidence for God’s Existence 5

A Testimony or The Best Evidence for God's Existence
I had originally planned to write a post on God’s existence and how I make the Bible, most notably Genesis, jive with science. And I may eventually do just that. However, I was drawn to an article that I read a few months back. I cannot recall the article’s name or the author’s name. Nevertheless, a ...