come back story


redemption picWhy do we like redemption stories? Who can really say that he/she doesn’t like a good redemption or comeback story? The first one that comes to my mind is Robert Downey Jr. He had success early in his career. Then he had drug issues, criminal charges, and rehab stints. He pretty much fell off the map for a few years. Then he came back. From 2012 to 2015 he was the highest paid actor in Hollywood.

Why do we get inspired by redemption stories? I think it’s because everyone needs redeemed through Jesus. God has placed the need for redemption in our souls. When we hear a good redemption story, like Robert Downey Jr., it stirs our need for redemption. If fact, the whole Bible could be described as one, big redemption story. For instance, Adam and Eve had the perfect existence. Then sin entered the world, and things were not so perfect anyone. There were hard times: Cain killed Abel, the Flood, slavery in Egypt, years of warfare, captivity in Babylon, and Roman occupation. Then Jesus came and redeemed not only the Jews, but the whole world. In essence, God’s redemption of us through Jesus is the greatest redemption story ever.

I’m ending all my posts with an invitation to accept Jesus. If you would like to accept Jesus, simply pray the following prayer or one like it: “Dear Lord, I’m a sinner. I acknowledge that You sent Your son, Jesus, to die for my sins. I humbly accept Your son, Jesus, and I now further acknowledge that I am forgiven of my past sins, my present sins, and my future sins.” If you prayed that simple prayer, you are saved. Now, you need to follow Jesus. Start reading your Bible. I would suggest starting with Matthew, reading all of the New Testament, then reading the Old Testament. Also, find a good church. Christianity was never meant to be done alone. You need to be in community with other believers.