Selflessness-the Marriage Mender 2

Selflessness-the Marriage Mender
I promised myself that I would never write a blog about relationships because, well, I suck at relationships. Nevertheless, in an effort to make myself a liar……here it goes. In my opinion, the most important relationship is between me and the big guy, aka Jesus. The second most important relationship is between me and my ...

Can’t-trianity or Freedom?

Can't-trianity or Freedom?
I can remember growing up in Eastern Kentucky very vividly. I can remember my parents talking about so-and-so getting “saved”. At that time, I didn’t even know what getting “saved” meant. I’d hear my parents say that so-and-so got saved. Then so-and-so also stopped smoking, stopped drinking, stopped going to bars, and stopped “running around” ...

When God says, “I got this” 4

When God says,
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14 I have to admit that I’m not well versed in the Old Testament. As a result, I miss some good stuff. I had actually never heard this verse until my friend, Paul, brought it to my attention. Here’s a little background information on it. ...

Why does the word “Jesus” make people uncomfortable? 2

Why does the word
Have you ever noticed that you rarely hear the word “Jesus” on regular TV? And by regular TV, I mean the major networks like NBC, ABC, and CBS. I would venture to say that we are more likely to hear profanity than the word “Jesus” on TV. Kurt Warner, former NFL and Super Bowl winning quarterback once said that ...