Rest in the Shadow…when anxious

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)

Some scholars attribute Psalm 91 to David, and David had every reason to be anxious. After he slays Goliath, David becomes a great warrior in King Saul’s army. However, Saul becomes extremely jealous of David and chases David throughout the kingdom trying to kill him, even though David had been loyal to Saul. No doubt, David had some anxious days. With the king trying to kill him, I’m sure rest was scarce. However, David knew rest was anti-anxiety medicine, especially “rest in the shadow of the Almighty”.

Think about it. To rest in an object’s shadow, we must be close to it. Likewise, we need to be close to God (or have a close relationship with God) in order to rest in his shadow. Additionally, to rest in an object’s shadow, the object must be big. Likewise, God is plenty big enough to cast a large shadow. Consequently, Psalm 91:1 gives me a powerful view over my anxiety. For instance, I see any anxiety being in my shadow. It’s in my shadow because the specific things that make me anxious, apply only to me. In other words, the specific things that make me anxious don’t make other people anxious. Hence, my anxiety is in my shadow. Now I see God casting his shadow over me, and his shadow completely “overshadows” my anxiety. If we put everything in a row, I see a big God, a big shadow, a small me, and a teeny, tiny anxiety.  And it’s very powerful to see my anxiety as something small and insignificant compared to God.

I’m ending all my posts with an invitation to accept Jesus. If you would like to accept Jesus, simply pray the following prayer or one like it: “Dear Lord, I’m a sinner. I acknowledge that You sent Your son, Jesus, to die for my sins. I humbly accept Your son, Jesus, and I now further acknowledge that I am forgiven of my past sins, my present sins, and my future sins.” If you prayed that simple prayer, you are saved. Now, you need to follow Jesus. Start reading your Bible. I would suggest starting with Matthew, reading all of the New Testament, then reading the Old Testament. Also, find a good church. Christianity was never meant to be done alone. You need to be in community with other believers.





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