Cow Patty World

Cow Patty World
One of my favorite movies is the spy flick, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. In the movie, the characters are discussing foreign intelligence, when one of them says that the intelligence has been gold. Another character disagrees and says, “It’s just enough glitter amongst the chicken feed”. In other words, it was just good enough to ...

What Could Go Wrong? 1

What Could Go Wrong?
Our church is going through a re-structuring process. It’s been called a merger. It’s been called an adoption.  What it’s not been called is “easy”. Without going into all the details, there will be a vote among the congregation to confirm whether we will merge with another church. Many people, including myself, have woulda-coulda-shoulda-ed the situation ...

In a Different Light

In a Different Light
After I wrote my last blog, I started thinking about how that dog made me want to rescue him. I thought how helpless and hungry he looked. Then I started wondering why I don’t feel the same way about homeless beggars….. Everyone has seen that guy or girl, holding a sign and begging for money. ...

Everything New

Everything New
I’m tired. I’m tired of seeing bad things happen. And I bet that I’m not the only one. Anyone who has a tv or a computer knows that bad things happen. It’s all over the news: a shooting here, a disaster there. I think sometimes we become numb to bad news. It’s so commonplace that I ...