My Friend Shawn 2

My Friend Shawn
I belong to a men’s group at my local church. There’s about 10 of us who meet at 0630 on Thursday mornings. As one would expect, we’ve grown very close to each other. We share our successes and our struggles. A few months ago, I gave my testimony during a morning meeting of my men’s ...

Why We Do Need God: A Response to “Why You Don’t Need God”

Why We Do Need God: A Response to
On January 8, 2015 published an article entitled “Why You Don’t Need God”. The article is written by Ryan Bell who was once a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. He is now an atheist. The entire article can be accessed via the following link: When I first read Bell’s article, I was angry. I write many blog posts for ...

Stay Humble and Carry On 2

Stay Humble and Carry On
“Whoever honors himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be honored.” Mathew 23:12 Sometimes it’s easy for me to get cocky and borderline arrogant. I was smart. I made good grades in school. I was on the academic team and won several awards.  I was also athletic. I played sports. I went to ...

Does God Really Give a Crap? 2

Does God Really Give a Crap?
1)Did you know that there is about 92 billion light years of observable universe? A light year is the distance light travels in a year. And light travels just over 186,000 miles PER SECOND…. Obviously, that’s a lot of real estate.  Here’s the entire article: 2) Did you know that there are actually more stars in ...